AI Generated Art for Commercial Use

While working as a Creative Product Content Producer at Square, something we ran into a lot was spending a lot of time and money finding stock images for our fake item libraries. Fake item libraries are libraries of content to fill in our screens with. Stock photography is sometimes great but when you want to find all alike images that look like they came from the same place now that is a challenge. Looking through libraries of stock photography can be time-consuming and also very expensive. Finding the right item you are looking for but it’s on a background that doesn’t match your other items or you find an image with the right background but the wrong item or even just the angle that the photo was taken at is off.

With AI we were to build a library in a matter of minutes and have all of our images alike to fit the merchant that would sell those items. We also save a lot of money while building these out. The stock photography site we used ran about $12 an image. Building out images with AI ran about .15 cents for each image. So if I were to build a library of 20 images it would run about $180 going with stock photography and cost about $3 making it with AI.

Another thing we are testing with AI is removing masks from images we took during COVID to repurpose them.

All images in the screen examples below were made with AI.
(click to enlarge images)

Item replacement exploration

Say we really like our image on the left and we wanted to use it in a different locale placement and that food item doesn’t really fit the culture. We could go in and replace it with a different food item.

Removing masks exploration

During COVID we shot a lot of photography with talent wearing masks, now we don’t use those images anymore, but what if we ran a photo with someone wearing a mask and removed it to repurpose those images?


The Bottom Line Templates

